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Taylor Strecker unexpectedly fell in love with her best friend no idea that Donohue was a lesbian until she tried to set her up with a man and

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Advice: Your wife is not responsible for the fact that her longtime friend may be in love with her.

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I have some very good friends who are gay and some who are lesbian. I am married to my wife, we both have friends who are of the opposite sex and we have

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My wife has two close friends that she works with that are lesbians. She is a lifeguard and has men ask her out to dinner all of the time.

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It is perfectly okay to love your lesbian wife, and remain good friends with her for the rest of your lives. But if you ever want a fulfilling sex life, Background and full disclosure: My wife and I have been married for 30 years I need to know: Is it just close friends or something else? I guess I'm a lesbian.

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